How To Sell Photos Online: Full 7 Steps Photographer’s Guide

13 Min Read
Photo: Shutterstock

In the digital age, our smartphones and digital cameras have become powerful tools for capturing stunning images. But did you know that these breathtaking snapshots can translate into a profitable venture? Selling photos online has emerged as a popular way to earn extra income and even support a full-time livelihood for many. For professional photographers and hobbyists alike, this opportunity offers an appealing blend of creative expression and commercial gain.

This article will delve into why you should consider selling photos online, how much money you can potentially make, the best practices for making your digital photography venture a success, and how to sell photos online, in general.

Why Should You Sell Photos Online?

Monetizing Your Passion

Photography is a creative and expressive outlet for many, and the chance to monetize this passion is immensely rewarding. Selling photos online allows you to make money while doing something you genuinely love. The satisfaction of seeing your creativity valued and appreciated in monetary terms gives a significant boost to your confidence and motivates you to refine your craft further.

Unlimited Market

In the traditional sense, photographers often find their work limited to geographical boundaries or specific client needs. With the digital revolution, this limitation has been significantly reduced. Online platforms give you access to an international market that runs 24/7. Your photos can reach a wider audience across various industries, including advertising, media, education, tourism, and more. The potential is vast, extending far beyond the local art galleries and exhibitions.

Passive Income

After the initial effort of capturing and uploading high-quality photos, these platforms can provide a continuous income stream without requiring ongoing work. This is because, in the world of digital downloads, a single photograph can be sold multiple times to different clients. Over time, your photo catalog can turn into a valuable asset generating passive income, supporting you to focus more on your photography skills.


Selling photos online also brings unparalleled flexibility to your work schedule. You can take photographs whenever you want and upload them at your convenience. There’s no need to align with a traditional 9-5 workday, making it a perfect opportunity for those who enjoy traveling, exploring different cultures, or simply prefer setting their own hours.

How Much Money Can You Make From Photos?

Quality of Photos

One of the main determinants of how much you can earn from selling photos online is the quality of your images. High-quality, professional-grade images will undoubtedly garner more attention and command higher prices. Factors such as sharpness, composition, lighting, and uniqueness of the subject matter are crucial. Clients are willing to pay a premium for photos that stand out, tell a compelling story, or evoke powerful emotions.


Your chosen platform plays a significant role in your earnings. Some sites operate on a per-download payment basis, offering you a fixed amount or a percentage each time someone downloads your photo. Others let you set your own prices, giving you more control over your earnings. In this case, you should consider factors like exclusivity, usage rights, and demand for your type of photos. It’s crucial to research and choose a platform that aligns with your goals.

Subject Matter

In photography, some subjects are more lucrative than others. For example, business-related images or lifestyle photos tend to sell more as they are widely used in advertising and marketing. On the other hand, niche subjects, such as rare wildlife or unique cultural events, may also command high prices due to their scarcity. Keeping up with market trends and understanding what buyers want can significantly influence your potential earnings.


The number of photos you have available for sale also affects your income. It’s a numbers game – the more high-quality photos you have in your portfolio, the more opportunities you have to make a sale. Having a diverse range of photos also increases your visibility on the platform and attracts a broader audience. So, while you focus on quality, remember that quantity also matters.

For example, Elina Jaksone and David Baumber made a significant income from by having a large library of high-quality photos. On the contrary, an amateur photographer might only have a few dozen photos in their portfolio, limiting their potential earnings. It shows that dedication and regular uploading of photos can considerably increase your earning potential.

camera photo
Photo: Pixabay

Steps to Start Selling Photos Online

Entering the world of online photo sales can seem daunting at first, but with a clear pathway, you can navigate this space with confidence. Whether you’re an amateur photographer looking to make some extra cash or a professional aiming to expand your income streams, selling photos online can be a rewarding endeavor. In this section, we will outline the crucial steps to getting started with selling your photos online. From mastering your craft to effectively promoting your work, these steps will provide a comprehensive roadmap for your online photography journey.

1. Master Your Craft

Before you can start selling your photos, you need to hone your skills. Although this step seems obvious, it’s important to note that the better your skills, the higher the quality of your photos, and the more likely they are to sell. This includes understanding your camera, mastering shooting techniques, studying composition, and learning how to use natural and artificial light effectively.

You should also be proficient in post-processing software such as Adobe Photoshop or Lightroom. Post-processing can enhance your photos, making them more appealing to potential buyers. There are plenty of online resources, courses, and tutorials that can help you improve your photography and editing skills.

2. Identify Your Niche

In the vast world of photography, finding your niche is vital. Your niche should be something you’re passionate about, but it should also be a subject or style that has a market. For example, if you love wildlife photography and you’re good at it, that could be your niche. Or if you have an eye for taking unique shots of everyday objects, that could be your specialty.

Remember, the key is to differentiate yourself from the crowd. In a sea of images, your unique style or subject matter can help you stand out. Check out what other successful photographers in your chosen niche are doing and aim to bring something new to the table.

3. Choose the Right Platform

There are numerous platforms where you can sell your photos, and each one has its pros and cons. Some popular platforms include Shutterstock, Getty Images, Adobe Stock, Alamy, and 500px. These platforms cater to different markets and offer varying royalty rates.

For instance, microstock sites like Shutterstock and iStock offer lower commission rates (around 15-40%), but the volume of sales can be higher. On the other hand, platforms like Alamy offer higher commissions (around 50%), but you might sell fewer images.

Some platforms allow you to sell photos directly to customers, giving you more control over pricing and licensing. These include SmugMug, Etsy, and your own website.

Research each platform to understand their commission structure, payment terms, licensing options, and target audience. This will help you choose the platform that’s most aligned with your goals.

4. Prepare Your Photos

Once you’ve chosen your platform, you’ll need to prepare your photos for upload. Most platforms require high-resolution images, usually in JPEG format. They should be free from noise, correctly exposed, and sharp.

In addition, you’ll need to ensure that your photos don’t infringe on anyone’s rights. This means no recognizable logos, no copyrighted materials, and if your image features recognizable people or private property, you’ll need a signed model or property release.

how to sell photos online
Photo: Creazilla

5. Tag Your Photos

Correctly tagging your photos is crucial for them to be found by potential buyers. Each platform has its own system for tagging or keywording, but generally, you’ll want to include relevant keywords that describe your photo.

Think about who might want to buy your photo and why. Consider the subject matter, the mood, the colors, and any other pertinent details. But be accurate and avoid keyword spamming, as this can lead to your photo being penalized in search results.

6. Set a Fair Price

Setting the right price for your photos can be tricky. If you price them too high, they might not sell. Price them too low, and you could be undervaluing your work.

Look at what similar photos are selling for on your chosen platform to get a ballpark figure. Some platforms like Shutterstock have set pricing, while others like 500px or SmugMug allow you to set your own prices.

Also, consider the usage of your photo. If it’s being used for commercial purposes, you can typically charge more than if it’s being used for personal or editorial purposes.

7. Promote Your Photos

Simply uploading your photos and waiting for sales to roll in isn’t enough. You need to actively promote your work.

Use social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, or Pinterest to showcase your work and direct people to where they can purchase your photos. You could also start a blog or a website to share your work, tell the stories behind your photos, and create a following.

Joining photography forums and online communities can also be a great way to get your work seen by a larger audience and gain valuable feedback from other photographers. You never know who might see your work and want to buy it!

The key to selling photos online is persistence. It may take time to see significant results, but with high-quality photos, the right platform, and good marketing, you can create a successful business selling your photos online.


As the world continues to shift towards the digital realm, opportunities for creative pursuits like photography are expanding. Selling photos online opens up a world where passion meets profit, making it possible to turn a hobby into a substantial income source. It’s a journey that requires patience, persistence, and an unrelenting focus on improving your craft. But with high-quality shots, a strong online presence, and strategic marketing, you can navigate your way to success.

Whether you’re an experienced photographer or just starting, there’s a vast online market waiting for your unique lens perspective. It’s time to step into the light and click your way to a promising future.

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