The Ultimate Guide to Essay – Writing that Benefits Your Future Career

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You believe that writing is only needed during your study. We have bad news for you – writing is a crucial skill that will follow you at every stage of your life. No care what is part of your life, the ability to express yourself is essential. If you think about it, you realize that now is the perfect time to focus on improving your skills. Don’t wait until you face challenges in your future career. If you start enhancing your writing abilities now, you can build a good foundation that will benefit you throughout your life.

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Advantages of having good writing skills

Having strong writing skills not only helps you excel academically but also empowers you in various real-life situations. From composing structured emails, social media posts, and communicating effectively with others, writing plays a vital role in daily communication. Feeling confident in this area can make a significant difference in your life. It allows you to express your ideas clearly, make compelling arguments, and connect with others on a deeper level. 

Moreover, effective writing can enhance your problem-solving abilities, critical thinking skills, and creativity, which can be the main advantage in your work process.

Great news! You have in your hands the ultimate guide to essay writing. Following the steps outlined here will significantly enhance your writing skills, preparing you for future career success. So, let’s embark on this journey together! Get ready to unlock your full writing potential!

1. Make new habits

Finding time for writing into your daily schedule is essential. As a variety, you can start with “morning pages” or any other writing practice that suits your style. The timing of your writing matters less than the act of transferring your thoughts to paper. Whether it’s in the morning or evening, the central part is catching the flow of your ideas. You can write about anything that comes to mind, such as memories, dreams, things you’re grateful for, or plans for the day. The key is to embrace the practice of putting your thoughts into words. Alternatively, you can explore topics that drive your interest and begin writing about them.

After that, try to organize text into a connected structure, introduce more advanced grammar constructions and increase your vocabulary to elevate your writing. Step by step, you’ll find yourself creating more balanced and remarkable texts. Also, this process allows you to expand your vocabulary, discover synonyms for commonly used words, and establish a strong writing habit.

2. Reading – one more habit

Implementation of reading into your daily routine and diversifying your reading list can greatly enhance your writing skills. Begin by exploring the online version of news articles from different areas to expand your horizons. Also, consider adding various genres of literature, including fiction, to your reading list. Different types of texts not only help you understand which writing structures to use in various situations but also enhances your vocabulary and grammar style.

If you feel like you don’t have enough time for reading, don’t worry. You can still make use of podcasts or audiobooks on your way to campus or walking. Additionally, finding summaries of popular books can be a great way to get acquainted with their key ideas and concepts without investing too much time. Remember, even small reading efforts can have a significant impact on your writing skills over time.

To ensure you don’t forget about incorporating reading into your daily routine, consider using a habit tracker. Separate a specific time each day to establish this habit in your life. For instance, you can allocate 20 minutes per day for reading or use a numerical system to track your daily progress. By making it a habit and tracking your efforts, you’ll be more likely to stick with your reading routine and see improvements in your writing skills over time.

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3. Improve the structure of the text

As we mentioned earlier, the correct structure of a text is of huge importance. The previous steps should have helped you understand the main rules and guidelines. During your writing practices, you might have noticed that the resulting text can be challenging to read if you jot down thoughts at the moment without any organization or logic. When you reread such a text after some time, it may not be easy to catch your original message. Unpleasant. Right?

To avoid such issues, it’s essential to remember that different types of texts, such as essays, emails, official letters, or other documents, have specific structures that one should be familiar with. However, no matter the type of text, there is a crucial element that all good writing shares: clarity of ideas. When discussing a topic, start by introducing the main idea, then provide a few points to support your viewpoint, and finally, wrap it up with a concise summary. This logical flow and structure are essential for ensuring that your text is engaging, coherent, and easy to follow. Keeping these principles in mind will greatly enhance the impact of your writing and make it a pleasure for your readers to engage with your work.

4. Find your writing style

As with the structure, different types of texts require different writing styles. In general, it’s beneficial to find your unique style, one that is recognizable as yours. However, it’s also crucial to remember the main rules of academic writing, as they play an important role in various types of essays. While you can use a more informal manner for emails or social media, it’s essential to be able to switch to formal language when the situation calls for it.

As we said earlier, using academic language is the most effective approach for essays. This involves employing a formal tone, avoiding contractions, and refraining from using slang. It’s important to remember that your writing should not be based on your feelings or opinions. Instead, opt for a language that relies on evidence and facts to make your text more compelling and persuasive. Additionally, consider using the passive voice when it fits the topic you have chosen, as it can create a more appropriate tone for certain subjects.

Understanding the right using styles for each type of text can help feeling comfortable as a writer and diversify your approach to your communication not only during studying but ta future career.


Now you have finished reading the guide to essay writing. What are your feelings? Do you realize that you can take there four first steps to improve your writing skills? Do it and unlock new opportunities for your future career.

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