Social networks brought a lot of benefits to humanity. One of them is the audience reach charities can achieve. With the help of social networks, charities can raise awareness among millions of people.
But to do so, they need to implement social media strategies as there are a lot of competitors on social networks. It is of the utmost importance to place your content according to guidelines so it can be noticed among other published posts.
One of those marketing strategies means using the right charity hashtags, so your posts can be seen by the right group of people.
Here is a quick overview of how to find the best hashtags for charity and use them to increase the reach of your posts on social networks.

Why are Hashtags so Important on Social Networks?
Hashtags are used on social networks as a way to categorize content and make it easier to search for topics of interest. People can find your content on social media by searching for or following hashtags you included in your posts. Hashtags are also appearing in related posts.
By using hashtags within your posts, you will increase reach and gain a new audience. Research conducted by Twitter showed that “hashtags can increase engagement with posts by 50% for brands and organizations”. This also means that users, by using hashtags can make their content easier to find.
Charity organizations can also use hashtags to improve their reach and raise awareness among number of people. With hashtags, charities can filter their audience and show their content to the audience who are really interested in the cause. To reach to relevant audience, you need to use the right charity hashtags within your social media marketing.
How to Pick the Right Hashtags for Charity?
We found several of the most popular charity hashtags that are used to promote charity work in the general meaning. You can use them on social media to spread your message:
#Volunteer – This hashtag is used to refer to individuals who give their time and energy to help others without expecting any payment or other reward in return. It is a way to recognize and honor those who are willing to give back to their communities and make a difference.
#Causes – This is a hashtag used on social media to draw attention to topics or issues related to a particular cause or charity. It is often used by activists, charities, and other organizations to spread awareness and help raise funds for their cause.
#Donate – #Donate is a hashtag used to encourage people to donate money or goods to a charity or cause. It is often used in campaigns to raise awareness about a cause or charity and to encourage people to make donations.
#Activism – This hashtag isn’t only for charities; it’s also used for topics about social, political, economic, or environmental change. However, your cause can be supported by people who engage in those conversations, so it is a good idea to have these hashtags included in your social media posts.
#Change – #Change is a hashtag used to highlight topics related to social and political change. It is often used in online conversations, particularly on social media, to draw attention to various causes and to encourage public engagement and action. So, you can see it is another very general hashtag that you can use when posting content about your charity. You will want to reach people who aren’t aware of your charity, and that’s why you need this type of hashtag.
#DoGood – One of the newly made charity hashtags that went viral pretty fast is #DoGood. It is used to encourage people to think of ways to make the world a better place and to take positive action. It can also be used to share stories of people doing good deeds or to inspire others to do the same.
#Fundraising – Use this hashtag when you’re posting about the process of raising money for a charitable cause, project, or organization. Fundraising can include activities such as hosting events, creating online campaigns, and asking for donations from individuals and businesses.
#Nonprofit – Nonprofit is a term used to describe an organization that is created and operated for a purpose other than making a profit. Nonprofits typically focus on achieving a social or environmental mission. When using this hashtag for charity you are telling people that your main goal isn’t to make money but to fight for the cause.
#Givingback – #GivingBack is a hashtag used to promote acts of kindness and volunteerism. It is often used to encourage others to participate in charitable activities, or to share stories or experiences of giving back to the community.
#Support – #Support is a hashtag used on social media to show solidarity and encouragement for a particular cause, person, or organization. It can be used to call for action, show appreciation, or simply show support for something.
Here are some other popular charity hashtags you can use to further increase your reach:
Using these hashtags could make a big difference in raising awareness of your charity among people and in your fundraising efforts.
How to Pick the Best Charity Hashtags for Your Posts on Social Media?
Using the most popular hashtags can sometimes be counter-productive because thousands of posts use them every minute. Meaning that your post is quckly pushed down in the feed and isn’t visible for too long.
But that doesn’t mean you will leave them out of your strategy. No, that just means you need to create a mix of extremely popular, general, and niche-related hashtags to expand your reach. Your ultimate goal is to reach people not aware of your charity.
When it comes to hashtags for charity that are niche related, you should look for ones that don’t have more than a few hundred or thousands of posts so your content will be visible for much longer.
You can find the best charity hashtags in several ways. You can scan similar organizations and see what they are using and see what their followers use. You can also look at trendy hashtags and pick ones associated to your cause. You can even make a new hashtag and try making it viral!
Double-check the Charity Hashtags You Are Using
When using certain hashtags, you need to be careful about what other purposes they are used for. Some phrases or words that are relevant to your charity can be used for something completely different in other posts, and that can cause you a problem. Especially if they are used in a context opposite to your intentions as a charity.
Also, when using hashtags from other charities and nonprofit organizations, be sure to check that these aren’t their own special hashtags. They could be using branded hashtags for fundraising special events, so you would want to stay away from those hashtags.
But you can use that idea to your advantage and create your own branded charity hashtag.
Hot to Create a Branded Hashtag for Charity?
Creating special hashtags and making them viral is a great way to attract more people to your cause. It is also a valuable part of the whole social network marketing strategy for any charity.
After you create unique hashtags, you can engage all your followers to spread them along social networks so they can be more visible. That way you are using branded hashtags to raise awareness for a particular fundraising campaign or an event.
Follow Relevant Hashtags
One more part of your social network strategy is to follow other content creators via hashtags. You need to find content from other charities, supporters, and organizations relevant to your cause.
Pick as many relevant hashtags as you can to stay updated with all the latest conversations and topics linked to your charity causes. When you get familiar with the latest trends, you will more easily know what content to create to engage with your existing and new audiences.
Hashtags Recommendations Per Social Media Platforms
All major social networks are using hashtags, but the rules for their use are slightly different among them. Here are some of the best practices for social networks with the best reach:
The optimal number of hashtags: 10+
The maximum number of hashtags on Instagram is currently 30, but that is too much. Studies have shown that the optimum is around half of that amount. So, when starting your charity campaign and using hashtags for charity, start with 10-15 and experiment with future posts. But be careful when picking hashtags because using the wrong ones can restrict your reach.
The optimal number of hashtags: 1-2 hashtags
Facebook is a social network where you will have the lowest gains from hashtags, but that doesn’t mean you should not use them on Facebook as well. The problem with Facebook’s hashtags is that people can find you only if they actively search for given hashtags, and Facebook users don’t use them much for searches.
But, as we said, you can use a few charity hashtags to see their impact. Because you will use only 1 or 2 charity hashtags, use only ones that are highly relevant to your cause.
The optimal number of hashtags: 2-3 hashtags
It’s recommended that you don’t use more than three hashtags in each tweet you publish because Twitter has very limited character count. That also means you need to carefully choose your hashtags for charity because you don’t want to waste your already limited space.
Where possible, try to include the hashtag within the copy of the tweet to maximize your word count. Don’t overdo hashtags, because your post will look spammy, and you won’t spread your message efficiently.
The optimal number of hashtags: 1-3 short hashtags
Although many people think LinkedIn cannot be used for improving your reach, that is a big mistake. Especially after they started using hashtags for content categorization.
Because it is still a network for professionals, your hashtags need to be highly relevant and on point.
Overall, the best charity hashtags to use are the ones that will get your posts in front of new audiences. To identify them, you will need to do some research and test what is within your posts. After you see their performance, you can choose ones that maximize your reach and work the best for your charity.